This is a tool to encrypt and decrypt ADFGVX ciphers, famously used by the German Foreign Office in the "Zimmermann Telegram", a message sent to Mexico to propose an alliance between Mexico and Germany that was intercepted by British intelligence.

The ADFGVX cipher was named after the six originally possible letters used in the cipher: A, D, F, G, V, and X. These letters were chosen because they are easily distinguishable when transmitted via Morse code, which was how messages were often sent at the time.

The ADFGVX cipher was considered quite secure during its time, as it was complex and required both knowledge of the keyword and the cipher method itself to decrypt the message. However, it was eventually broken by French cryptanalysts during World War I, contributing to the Allied war effort.

More information about the cipher is available here.

Axis values:

Grid values:

Message to encrypt/decrypt:
